Mary Nguyen


Principal Broker

Licensed in the State of Oregon

Licensed in the State of Washington


Office: 971-808-8539


Licensed in 2018, Mary is a Principal broker in OR and is also a master negotiator and an extraordinary client relations specialist. She loves guiding buyers and sellers; navigating them through their purchases and sales. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Mary loves the beauty and uniqueness experienced on the west coast, including the ocean and mountains, hiking trails, and Vineyards. Most of all, she is a foodie, and living in the Portland Metro area gives endless options for exquisite culinary experiences. Mary loves actively participating in all things fitness. She competed in taekwondo representing the USA in international, national, state, and regional sparring Tournaments as a black belt for a several years. Mary is passionate about exploring and traveling for all outdoor adventures while she balances her work life, helping buyers and sellers achieve all their real estate goals.