1. Make sure you are READY

Making a commit to OWN a home is a big deal! It is one that takes a lot of planning, courage and maintenance. Many young people buy a home that they can afford and that fits their needs for RIGHT NOW – which is OK. Just make sure when doing so you are making plans for the future, you want to be able to make a return on this investment – if/when you decide to sell in 3-5 years. Make sure you think all the details over and over – and then maybe one more time!

  1. Know your finances

Buying a home will most likely be the largest purchase you will ever make in your life. So, in order to do that – you definitely need to understand and know your finances. Your salary, current expenses and spending habits will be a huge factor once you meet with your lender. Remember, your mortgage won’t be your only expense when buying a home – there will be costs like […]


Bottom Line Impact of Portland Metro Area Mortgage Interest Rate Shifts

If you begin a search for a new home by going online to check out Portland Area listings, it’s likely that one of the first search criteria you enter will be the price range. After all, unless you are a virtual looky-loo who is just checking out how the other half lives, your budget will dictate which homes you seriously consider. If you are one of the more than two-thirds of us who will be counting on a loan to help finance that home purchase, the monthly payment amount is really what matters.

That’s why you don’t have to be a dedicated number-cruncher to be keenly interested in the direction Portland Metro mortgage interest rates are going to head. In fact, if you aren’t one of those whose idea of a good time includes working out spreadsheet calculations, it probably came as a shock the first time you realized how big a deal it is when mortgage interest rates notch up or down even a single percentage point. If you’ve never really dug in to look at the numbers, you might want […]


In the Real World, Selling Your Portland Metro Property is a Balancing Act

In a theoretically perfect world, before you set about selling your Portland Area home, you would have emptied it of all evidence of human habitation, called in the best staging pros on the planet, and set off to vacation in a Caribbean island spa-hotel so you could sift through the dozens of above-asking offers in comfort from the beach.Caribbean-Beach-13-Wallpaper-HD

Let’s see,” you would soon be musing, sipping your mimosa as you thumbed through the pile of offers from your Portland agent; “should I accept this all-cash offer for 150% of comparable value—or hold out for this one for 200% of comp that came in with only 50% earnest money…?”

It is here where it might be best to depart from this reverie to point out that in this less-than-perfect world (the one that we actually live in) the more probable situation is one where your home is fully occupied, either by your family or a tenant.

How do you make the most of that mimosa-less situation? If you and your family are the occupants, your Portland […]


Portland Metro Area Mortgage Rates Projected to Rise Sooner Rather than Later

imagesNow that we are deep into July, with summer in full swing, there might be vague thoughts running through your mind about some potential real estate moves—but certainly not until the fall. Right now all most of us are thinking about is whether another chilled glass of summer-something-or-other is in order. Mortgage rates and what the folks in Washington might be doing to affect them are not exactly top of mind on an idyllic July afternoon.

However, if you’ve been paying attention to any newscasts long enough to reach the economic stories they throw in toward the end of the broadcasts, you may have an inkling that conditions are about to change. And the evidence does suggest that mortgage rates in Portland and surrounding areas face a likely increase come fall. If you’re among those considering buying or selling a home in Portland this year, now should be the time to stop “thinking”and start “doing”.

Exhibit A for that proposition comes from one Michael C. Fratantoni, who happens to be the Chief Economist of […]
