Today’s Internet-savvy home seller knows that before potential Portland buyers even make their way to a home’s online listing they may already have been exposed to the property’s pictures posted elsewhere. Since first impressions can be decisive, it’s all the more reason to heed something that advertising professionals have always known: the viewer’s eye is automatically drawn directly to any visible flaws.

That’s why, if you want to entice more buyers by posting the most attractive teaser pics of your Portland home, you need to think in staging terms. Professional staging is the most foolproof way to create flawless images, of course — but there are also some easy and inexpensive approaches to creating eye-pleasing images of your home.

Get your Stuff Out

The first rule of staging a home in Portland is to make it as inviting as possible — and nobody feels at home when they are surrounded by a stranger’s stuff. Remove the blankets piled on the couch, and take down the Spiderman posters from Junior’s room. When a viewer’s eye goes to a personality-defining detail, it usually shapes the whole impression. Making your home a blank canvas will allow prospective buyers to picture their own belongings fitting nicely in place.

Call the Professional Cleaners

You need to get every inch of the home as clean as possible for it to be inviting (and worth the asking price). This means cleaning things you probably haven’t even considered before, like the garage door and the sliding window tracks. Hiring a professional crew for even just a day can do wonders to create a ‘like new’ aura.

Adjust Lighting

One of the things that make staged homes look so warm and welcoming is great lighting. A lot of us have gradually adopted minimal lighting at home — something that can be reversed with a few extra lamps and higher-wattage bulbs. As we approach the end of Daylight Savings Time on November 11, that can make a stark difference.

Staging is just one element that goes into a successful Portland home sale. Contact us today to talk about all the other pieces! (503) 389-0686